Thursday, September 16, 2021



For the sake of your family and children put away your hatred and animosity and endeavour to talk to your former partner in a reasonable manner only if for a short period of time to reach a resolution that best suits your children, yourself and your former partner.

Do this with the assistance of people who have the professional experience to help you through this highly

emotional period of your life.

Ian Field has more than 40 years’ experience as a solicitor practising in Family Law and over 26 years of involvement in alternative dispute resolution. James has been instrumental in developing Collaborative Law in Brisbane. Collaborative practice is one of the best ways to resolve family and relationship issues. It offers an amicable, speedy and cost-effective way to reach an agreement.

Collaborative practice depends on two things; the skill of the collaborative lawyers and the general willingness of the parties to participate openly.

Collaborative practice will assist you to identify the issues you face, come up with realistic options that suit both you, your former partner and your children, solutions that will work.

Do this with the assistance of people who have the professional expertise to enable you to move on with

James has had extensive training in the mediation process and collaborative practice. He, with the assistance of a similarly trained specialist can assist you to reach the resolutions you are seeking.

How Can I Avoid Family Court?

James was trained in mediation with Marriage Guidance Queensland (now Relationships Australia).

He and the other professionals undertook training for an extensive 8 months period and conducted mediations with similarly trained professionals.

Did you know that the training mediator’s received at Marriage Guidance Queensland was at the forefront of what is now Collaborative Practice?

The mediation involved two professionals, a solicitor and either a Social Worker or a Psychologist. Both were trained in the collaborative process. The male/female combination matched the male/female relationship of the parties who had the advantage of this mediation experience.

Both Mediators were attentive to the needs and wishes of the parties.

The parties were encouraged to express their needs and wishes and to explain to the other party why such needs and wishes were important to them. Importantly, parties were encouraged to listen and appreciate why such needs and wishes were so important.

No outside lawyers were involved. No court fees, no detailed preparation of affidavits and court documents.

The parties were able to reach their own agreements and resolutions in an amicable and cost-effective way.

The resolutions reached were detailed in an agreement and if the parties so wished the agreement was formalised in the family court. No attendance at Court was required.

Is this process still available to me?

YES – Collaborative mediation by James with similarly trained female professionals is readily available to you. It is a voluntary process only you, your former partner and the two professional mediators will be part of this process. Issues will be identified, options will be generated to resolve such issues.

The collaborative mediators will not favour either party and will work with both you and your former partner to help negotiate your own decisions together.

All decisions in collaborative mediation will be made by you and your former partner, not by a Court or anyone else.

Your wishes and desires will be fully expressed and listened to by all who participate in the negotiations. It is readily available and is fast and efficient. It is a three-step process:

  • Isolating the wishes and desires of both parties;
  • Creating options and alternatives in reaching a resolution; and
  • Being attentive and making genuine decisions to resolve the issues that have arisen.

Collaborative mediation is readily available to you and your former partner.

Article Source: Divorce Lawyer 

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